“There is no failure except in no longer trying.”

Arash Jalali
1 min readMay 24, 2022

Sounds great, but the reality is positive feel good advice like this is highly misleading.

Failure will hammer your self-confidence, it will hammer the confidence in you of those around you.

Fail a couple of times in a row even if your name is Elon Musk no-one will believe in you.

Now sure, you’ve got to pick yourself up. Sure, you do gain something from failure. But failure always sets you back.

And you may never recover from a big failure — not because you’re some ‘loser’ that gave up — everyone gives up at some point — but because of life’s circumstances.

Failure is only great in hindsight WHEN FOLLOWED BY SUCCESS. That’s when you shout out about it, tell the world how wonderful you were for persevering, else, failure is a lonely hidden journey. Its pain is silent.

Listen, net net failure absolutely sucks. Be careful of following the advice of those who glamorise it — they aren’t going to go through the pain with you



Arash Jalali

I’m Serial Entrepreneur and tech enthusiast.Founder @myacopio.Co-founder at www.Limitlines.com . angel investor. I ❤️ slick design