“How a jealous gene will take you from win win strategy to lose lose strategy”

Arash Jalali
2 min readJun 27, 2021

“You gotta love to give raises, you gotta be turned on giving bonuses, it’s gotta make you feel GREAT and not Jeez I gotta give him a bonus and I didn’t get one that big.

None of those feelings, you gotta just get over them, and if I look at all the leaders I’ve seen, the best ones I’ve seen have this generosity gene.

Ask yourself, do you have it? Or do you have a little small gene in there that’s killing you to give raises, killing you to see other successes, jealous in your body, you can’t have it.”

Jack Welch, CEO GE 1981–2001

The wealthy guy speaking once, said he never understood why people got jealous. He said that well before he’d made his money, he loved seeing others succeed — and I reckon that’s a key reason he did so well himself.

If your own team, or those around you, know and feel you genuinely want them to succeed as individuals, in their careers and lives, and they see it in your action, not just words, they’ll reciprocate.

Listen, a jealous gene will kill your effectiveness as a a manager or leader — and it will also destroy your soul.



Arash Jalali

I’m Serial Entrepreneur and tech enthusiast.Founder @myacopio.Co-founder at www.Limitlines.com . angel investor. I ❤️ slick design